Automatic or manual licence?

I currently have an automatic driving licence and would be financially better off if I got paid each time someone asks "why did you get an automatic license?". I have also come across people contemplating on which one to go for.

Today am going to give a brief overview on both and let you decide which one suites your need the most.

Manual Licence pros.                                                          Manual licence cons.
With a manual licence, you can drive                   
both automatic and manual cars 

                                                                                        In comparison to automatic driving licence,
                                                                                        manual licences are a bit more difficult to
                                                                                        get. (most people take their manual driving
                                                                                        text 3 times or more)                                                                                       
Manual cars are more fuel/petrol efficient            

                                                                                        Requires a lot more concentration on road
                                                                                       (especially for new drivers who are not used to
                                                                                        changing gears)
In some countries eg US, as manual cars are
less popular than automatic cars, they are less
likely to be stolen

Manual cars are usually cheaper than automatic

Automatic licence pros.                                                      Automatic licence cons.
In comparison to manual driving licence,
an automatic licence is a lot easier to get                    

                                                                                         In some countries eg.UK, automatic cars
                                                                                         cost more than manual ones

Automatic cars are easier to drive and the                      
first time pass rate for new drivers is higher                  
than manual ones
                                                                                           With an automatic licence, you can only
                                                                                           drive automatic cars

                                                                                           In some countries eg. UK, people sometimes
                                                                                           make fun of drivers with an automatic licence (be warned :D)  

Simplicity and peace of mind are major selling
points for automatic vehicles

There you have it, my brief overview.

If you have anything else to add, please drop a comment below.
