1. Set daily hols or have a to do list. This provides you with a sense of accomplishment.
2.Schedule activities in a calendar or timetable. This will Hove you structure and a reason to wake up
3. Focus on your good qualities. Write a list of positives about yourself every day
4.Use positive affirmations about yourself e. g "I am overcoming this," I am in control ".
5. Ask for help or talk to family and friends. Get the professional help you need.
6. Change your physical location. Step outside the house if you can. It interrupts the monotony.
7.Be creative, or go things that distract your mind.
8.Get moving. Even a short walk around the block is beneficial.
9. Be around people. It makes you feel like you are part of the world
10.Volunteer. It gives you a sense of purpose
Source:healthy place.com
2.Schedule activities in a calendar or timetable. This will Hove you structure and a reason to wake up
3. Focus on your good qualities. Write a list of positives about yourself every day
4.Use positive affirmations about yourself e. g "I am overcoming this," I am in control ".
5. Ask for help or talk to family and friends. Get the professional help you need.
6. Change your physical location. Step outside the house if you can. It interrupts the monotony.
7.Be creative, or go things that distract your mind.
8.Get moving. Even a short walk around the block is beneficial.
9. Be around people. It makes you feel like you are part of the world
10.Volunteer. It gives you a sense of purpose
Source:healthy place.com
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