5 ways to wellbeing

1.Keep learning- Keeps you motivates, keeps you occupied with something you are interested in.

2.Take notice - Appreciate your accomplishments, take the time out to pat yourself in the back for the amazing things you have done and how far you have come and grown.

3.Be active - Keeps you on your toes, activates your mind and body, boosts your stamina and resilience.

4.Connect - There are over 6 billion people in the world. There is someone for every body. Don't stay isolated. Connect with people you relate to in your family, at work or even in the gym. Sometimes one world is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Join meet ups , have fun. You only live once.

5.Give - How ever low we are, there is always somebody out there feeling even worse. No matter how little we have, there is always someone out there with less or none. Volunteer, give your time to those who need them. Give donations, give the items, tinned food you don't need anymore to charities or that person you know is struggling.

These are my 5 ways to wellbeing, what are yours? Leave a comment below.
